By Hector - Thu 13 Oct 2011
Hi everybody at the forum!
I´m having a problem installing Kartris at my local server; when I give it the database credentials it says me that 'Login failed for user 'XXX'' again and again every time I repeat the process. What I did: - I created a new database in my SQL Manager - I created a new login (with sysadmin role) - I choosed use an 'Existing database' - I double (or triple) check names and passwords - I tried (but nothing happens) instructions here:
Details: Windows Server 2008 IIS7.5 Kartris 1.3 Localhost but remote conecction
Is the 6th time i tried everithing above and I´m stuck, may be I need some help... Anyone knows what I´m (possibly) forgoten? Any idea?
Thanks in advance!
PD: sorry for my english I now it´s terrible...
By thedrumdoctor - Thu 13 Oct 2011
Is there any reason why you're choosing to install a database manually for Kartris to use?
If you use the Microsoft Web Platform Installer it takes all the hard work away and creates a DB for you.
I see you've stated "Localhost but remote connection". I had hell connecting remotely to the DB that the Kartris install process created when I tried to using the MS SQL 2008 Management tool until I followed this article. Seems you have to do a few tweaks to the default SQL 2008 install before you can remotely connect.
Don't know if that will help.
By Hector - Fri 14 Oct 2011
@thedrumdoctor, thanks a lot for that quick response!
The main reason for manual database setup is I tried first the automatic way that Kartris provide and doesn`t work. I installed other aplications (Orchard) with this method and it worked fine.
I read the article you linked and all instructions are pointing to SQLEXPRESS2008. I was trying before to install on MSSQLSERVER with no luck. So, is SQLEXPRESS2008 a requeriment? Can I install Kartris on MSSQLSERVER?
I tried both, following the instructions at the link you posted and nothing changes, I get the same error. Any else have an idea?
Thanks for your time and regards.
By thedrumdoctor - Fri 14 Oct 2011
I must say, I've never had the web installer fail installation, either locally or on shared hosting.
If you've got the scope to do so in your setup, I'd look towards setting up a virtual server environment and going through the Kartris web-platform install procedure again on a vanilla guest O/S. The beauty of the installer is that it puts everything you need onto the server, including the right level of .NET, ISS & SQL.
I'm currently using a virtual 2003 server within VMWare server 2 hosted on a 2003 box to develop under (I use 'develop' very loosely as I'm not a 'Developer'!) My virtual server with Kartris installed is only allocated 512Mb of RAM and it's enough to mess with.
I don't think SQLExpress 2008 is a prerequisite for Kartris, it's just what the platform installer uses I suspect, because it's free. There's no reason why you can't use SQLExpress 2008 to develop on locally (though I believe it has a 4Gb DB limit) and throw it up to a web host with 'full-fat' SQL 2008.
Troubleshooting on a server that's already had its SQL installation pre-configured by another installer could be a nightmare and you'd save more time developing within a virtual server environment, I reckon.
By Mohammad - Fri 14 Oct 2011
Which version of sql server you have ? Can you confirm that you have written the correct instance for your sql server ?
By Paul - Sat 15 Oct 2011
It doesn't require SQL Express, any versions of SQL Server should be fine. We have customers running it on the web edition and other versions without any issues. We tend to use the express version only because it's free and that is what the majority of users will have access to.
By Hector - Mon 17 Oct 2011
@Mohammad SQL Server 2008 R2 is the version I have.
If you mean "correct data on conection string" when you say "correct instance", yes. I´m pretty sure because i tried it several times deleting database created and his login and doing it from the beginning.
What I´m doing (step by step): - Open MS SQL Sever Manegement Studio v10.50.1600.1 - Right-click on 'Databases' and 'New database' - Fill the fields whit (example) DB name 'cualquiera' and press OK - Right-click on 'Security/New/Login' (not the 'cualquiera' database one) and fill it with: On General page · Login name: cualquiera · SQL Server authentication (with no enforced pass policy) · Put a password · Default database: cualquiera On Roles page · Select the Sysadmin checkbox and save
That´s what I did several times for installing Orchard (in example) and it worked fine for me, but not at Kartris installation.
I´m a newbie on MS enviroments and it´s so possible I´m doing something wrong. I will be happy if some one can point my mistakes and offer som way to (at least) invetigate how to resolve.
UPDATE: I reinstalled Kartris from the beginning (again) whit new database and login...
The data I provided is: Server Name: (local) Use Windows Authentication: unchecked Username: cualquiera Password: cualquiera Use an existing database: checked Create a new database: unchecked Database Name: cualquiera
and results in: Error: Connection failed to database. Error returned:Login failed for user 'cualquiera'.
Also, if I give it a wrong server name (for test the response) it says me that: Error: Connection failed to database. Error returned:Error relacionado con la red o específico de la instancia mientras se establecía una conexión con el servidor SQL Server. No se encontró el servidor o éste no estaba accesible. Compruebe que el nombre de la instancia es correcto y que SQL Server está configurado para admitir conexiones remotas. (provider: Proveedor de canalizaciones con nombre, error: 40 - No se pudo abrir una conexión con SQL Server)
So I think server name instance is correct, at least it worked for Orchard...
Thanks to everybody for the time to respond me.
By Hector - Mon 17 Oct 2011
I found what I was doing incorrectly: SQL Server authentication was windows only!!!
For everybody that could land at this post with the same problem: - Ensure you have mixed authentycation mode on your SQL Server: · Open the SQL Management Studio, right-click instance, properties\security & select the "SQL Server and Windows authentycation mode" - Also check that "Shared memory", "TCP/IP" and "Chanels" are enabled at your SQL Server Config Manager. - If aren´t, right-click it for enabling and restart the server.
Hope this be useful for anyone. Thanks for the help and stimule for investigatigation!