Shipping not showing at checkout
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By thedrumdoctor - Fri 30 Sep 2011
Shipping has been working but when testing a particular product I get the following text instead of the dropdown shipping menu:

No shipping costs for these items

This is bizarre, because this text is associated with electronic items and the item I am testing isn't in that category and I don't remember telling Kartris that it was an electronic downloadable product.

This is my shipping table:

 This is the product shipping weight:

This is the shipping for the item at checkout:

Even the shipping is set to normal:

Definitely not an electronic item! Any ideas as to why it's being picked up as an electronic item?
By Mart - Sat 1 Oct 2011
If this a v1.2?

There was a problem with 1.200 in that for options products it set V_DownloadType to null. This could be later corrected by going in to edit the individual version concerned, and saving the change, but obviously that is not a good long term solution (and you'd end up forgetting to do it).

It was patched in later versions of 1.2 but there was a patch you could easily apply to the db to fix this issue (and hence not require an upgrade to a later 1.2. Its in the stored procedures...

go to _spKartrisVersions_Add and add this before the Disable Trigger line:

IF @V_DownloadType IS NULL or @V_DownloadType = '' BEGIN
    SET @V_DownloadType = 'n';

This won't fix existing versions but will affect later ones from being created with the wrong setting.

You should be able to execute a simple query to fix existing versions... eg

UPDATE tblKartrisVersions SET V_DownloadType = 'n'

If you aren't running 1.2, then it must be another issue.
By thedrumdoctor - Mon 3 Oct 2011
Thanks for the reply, I don't usually go into SQL editing as I'm clearly out of my depth!

However, I've gone into my MS SQL management studio and found the object, right clicked on it to modify and inserted the IF statement before the Disable Trigger line. Trouble is, when I go to save it wants to save it as a new query locally on my PC. Surely I need to save the edit to the existing object? How do you do this in the management studio?

I've attached an image of what it looks like in the management studio and you'll see it's waiting to be saved as a new query rather than a modification.

Sorry about this, I'm a total noob when it comes to SQL editing with my only database experience being in Access.
By Medz - Mon 3 Oct 2011
No worries. After inserting the IF statement, you just need to hit the "Execute" button or press CTRL+E to execute the ALTER query.
By thedrumdoctor - Tue 4 Oct 2011
Thanks, that Execute command worked and I've learned something new!