By thedrumdoctor - Wed 28 Sep 2011
Having got shipping finally working to suit my requirements, is it possible to stop the dropdown menu from showing EX Tax/Inc Tax at the highest values or stop them showing altogether?
Have a look at the attached image and you'll see the destination options and the pricing, showing the highest pricing band, which is a sure fire way to stop the customer proceeding with a purchase!
When the customer chooses a destination, the pricing changes to the correct value, but it would be better if it either showed the actual pricing in the dropdown menu, or if that's not possible, show no pricing information at all until the destination has been selected. Can this be done easily?
By Medz - Wed 28 Sep 2011
Hi, the shipping dropdown text is generated in Line 57 of UserControls/General/ShippingMethodsDropdown.ascx.vb
You may want to change ->
liShippingMethod.Text = arrText(0) & vbTab.ToString & GetGlobalResourceObject("Kartris", "ContentText_ExTax").ToString & ":" & strExTax & _ vbTab.ToString & GetGlobalResourceObject("Kartris", "ContentText_IncTax").ToString & ":" & strIncTax
with just plain ->
liShippingMethod.Text = arrText(0)
By thedrumdoctor - Wed 28 Sep 2011
Awesome, thanks for that!
By thedrumdoctor - Fri 30 Sep 2011
Just got around to tackling this, but my version of Kartris doesn't have a ShippingMethodsDropdown.ascx.vb file in the specified folder.
I do have UserControls/General/ShippingMethodsDropdown.ascx but that only has:
<%@ control language="VB" autoeventwireup="true" inherits="UserControls_ShippingMethodsDropdown, KartrisCompiled" %> <%@ Import namespace="Kartris.Payment" %> <asp:UpdatePanel ID="updShippingMethods" runat="server"> <ContentTemplate> <asp ropDownList ID="ddlShippingMethods" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" /> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="valShippingMethods" runat="server" ControlToValidate="ddlShippingMethods" Display="Dynamic" Text="<%$ Resources: Kartris, ContentText_RequiredField %>" CssClass="error" ForeColor="" ValidationGroup="Checkout"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator> <asp:UpdateProgress ID="prgShippingMethods" runat="server" AssociatedUpdatePanelID="updShippingMethods" DynamicLayout="False"> <ProgressTemplate> <div class="smallupdateprogress"> </div> </ProgressTemplate> </asp:UpdateProgress> <asp:Literal ID="litContentTextShippingAvailableAfterAddress" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: ContentText_ShippingAvailableAfterAddress %>" Visible="False"></asp:Literal> </ContentTemplate> </asp:UpdatePanel>
Is it something to do with the Visible="False" parameter in the version of Kartris I'm using?
By Medz - Sat 1 Oct 2011
Oopps sorry. I assumed your using v1.3+. Unfortunately there's no easy way of doing this if you're still on v1.2. We've started opening the code in v1.3 to allow modications such as this to be done easily. v1.3 also contains fixes related to shipping calculations so you might not need to do this mod if you can upgrade your shop.
By thedrumdoctor - Mon 3 Oct 2011
Hmmm....I don't know how easy an upgrade would be as I've done absolutely HOURS & HOURS of work on the layout in CSS and been through much pain trying various new Master page designs until I could find kludges to force the way the Kartris generates HTML into something I can control!
I believe the latest version uses a slightly different approach to styling skins. If it was easy enough to upgrade, then I'd be prepared to try it on my local test server to try it out.
My problem is, my boss has seen me invest loads of time into creating a shop under the version I'm using now and it's not going to go down well if I have to start all over again...
You would not believe the time I've spent on going through the style sheets tracing inherited styles to fine tune appearance and getting rid of class="spacer" divs where they break layout.
So, unless upgrading to the latest version really is the lesser of two evils, I'm kind of interested if there is a way of doing it it in V1.2.
By Paul - Mon 3 Oct 2011
There is a kb article on upgrading, if you follow through the steps it should not be a huge task:
v1.3 gives access to far more code. But it's also worth saying that it really should not be necessary to remove the div spacers for formatting reasons. Any element can be set to display: none to effectively hide it from display. Since most container elements have IDs, as do the main containers on pages, in the vast majority of cases you can set this for each individual spacer div class even if you don't want it globally.
By thedrumdoctor - Tue 4 Oct 2011
Ok, thanks Paul, looks not as bad as I feared on the skin front.
Regarding upgrading from V.1.2 to V1.3, does the following KB article apply:
Just want to make sure it's the same deal as the article talks about V1-V2 upgrades.