Paypal Gateway Variables (Checkout)
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By clifford-pabs - Wed 21 Sep 2011
Hi all, got an email to say we can now set priority for taking payments from the site via credit card. Aparently we have to send a viariable on checkout to achieve it. I need some help. The result we want to achieve is this image.

The response back from paypal is as below
As advised, in order for the Express Checkout transaction to give priority to the card payment, you will need to pass the variable LANDINGPAGE=Billing in the initial SetExpressCheckout API request.

Express Checkout is completed through 3 API request: SetExpressCheckout, GetExpressCheckoutDetails and DoExpressCheckout. Is after the first request to SetEC when the buyers are redirected to PayPal, so it's here where this variable needs to be included.

This would be a sample request in NVP (Name Value Pair) format:


After that, when I'm redirected to PayPal's page to select my payment method, the credit card form is expanded by default.